NAV Navbar
shell python



miiCloud is a Computer Vision company that leverages Deep Learning for image and video analysis. We train and calibrate our models on an extensive data pipeline to bring the best technology to our customers.

This guide provides an overview of using the miiCloud Application Programming Interface (API), related operations, request and response structures. The API is organized around REST and returns JSON encoded responses.

Everything on miiCloud's platform revolves around a "Person" and their identity. Our goal is to provide the most secure, accurate, fast and user friendly platform to store and verify a person's identity so customers like yourself can build amazing applications for your end users. The following document describes how to "Enroll" a new Person into miiCloud and the follow-on actions that are available to you.

We will continue to add new APIs to this site on a regular basis. If you have specific requests for your business, please contact us:


To authorize, use this code:

# The 'requests' library helps to create & parse json objects easily
import requests

auth_token = 'Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131', headers={'Authorization': auth_token}, json = enrollment_payload)
# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
 curl -X POST \
  api_endpoint \
  -H 'authorization: Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131' \  

miiCloud uses API tokens to allow access to our API. You can request a unique API token by emailing

miiCloud expects for the API token to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131


Enroll Person

import requests
import os

auth_token = 'Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131'
image_path = 'input/persons/will_smith/will_smith_001.jpg'
api_endpoint = ''
enrollment_payload = 
    'customer_person_id': '1234567', 
    'first_name': 'John', 
    'last_name': 'Doe', 
    'email': '', 
    'phone': '0123456789' 
filename = os.path.basename(image_path)
file = {'image_path': (filename, open(image_path, 'rb'), "multipart/form-data")}
enroll_response =, headers={'Authorization': auth_token}, data = enrollment_payload, files = file)
curl -X POST \
https:/// \
-H 'authorization: Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131' \
-F customer_person_id=5712f5242cf956c7c1d248e89 \
-F image_path=@input/persons/will_smith/will_smith_001.jpg \
-F first_name=John \
-F last_name=Doe \
-F \
-F phone=+141524204243

Identifies the largest face in a given image and adds it to the database. If a human face is not found, it returns a “fail” status. In order to provide high accuracy for subsequent matches, during enrollment, a face must be presented with a frontal pose with area of the face consisting of eye brows, eyes, nose and lips.

The above request returns a JSON object structured as follows:

    "status": "success",
    "miicloud_person_id": "059339e9-02d7-4777-95ce-acca440af413",
    "customer_person_id": "5712f5242cf956c7c1d248e89",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+141524204243",
    "bounding_box": {
        "left_x": 38,
        "left_y": 53,
        "right_x": 168,
        "right_y": 183
    "image": "enroll/will_smith_001_Fkkx7eK.jpg"

Successfull HTTP status code = 200

Sandbox API Endpoint


Production API Endpoint

Please contact

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Description
authorization Yes a unique api token per miiCloud customer
customer_person_id Yes a unique identifier maintained by the customer per person enrolled in the database. This identifier allows you link multiple images of an individual to their identity and link other identifiable info such as name, etc.
image_path Yes local or remote destination of the image accessible by your application
first_name No first name associated with the person being added to database
last_name No last name associated with the person being added to database
email No email associated with the person being added to database
phone No phone # associated with the person being added to database


Field Required Description
status Yes response by API whether it was successful or not
miicloud_person_id No unique identifier stored in miiCloud per person. This identifier links the identity in the customer’s system to miiCloud.
customer_person_id No a unique identifier maintained by the customer per person enrolled in the database. miiCloud returns this identifier in the response to allow the customer to validate correct identities were linked
first_name No first name associated with the person being added to database
last_name No last name associated with the person being added to database
email No email associated with the person being added to database
phone No phone # associated with the person being added to database
bounding_box No an object with bounding box coordinates around the face
left_x No x-coordinate of the bounding box’s top left corner
left_ y No y-coordinate of the bounding box’s top left corner
right_x No x-coordinate of the bounding box’s bottom right corner
right_y No y-coordinate of the bounding box’s bottom right corner
image No image name that was passed in with miicloud's suffix added to the end of filename

Update Person

import requests
import os

auth_token = 'Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131'
image_path = 'input/persons/will_smith/will_smith_003.jpg'
api_endpoint = ''
payload = 
    'customer_person_id': '5712f5242cf956c7c1d248e89', 
    'first_name': 'John', 
    'last_name': 'Doe', 
    'email': '', 
    'phone': '+12222222222' 
filename = os.path.basename(image_path)
file = {'image_path': (filename, open(image_path, 'rb'), "multipart/form-data")}
enroll_response = requests.put(api_endpoint, headers={'Authorization': auth_token}, data = payload, files = file)
curl -X PUT \ \
-H 'authorization: Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131' \
-F image_path=@input/persons/will_smith/will_smith_003.jpg \
-F first_name=John \
-F last_name=Doe \
-F \
-F phone=+12222222222

Updates an existing person in the database with the new information sent in the request payload.

The above request returns a JSON object structured as follows:

    "status": "success",
    "miicloud_person_id": "19b38661-7941-484c-82f6-81ea85172e0e",
    "customer_person_id": "5712f5242cf956c7c1d248e89",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+12222222222",
    "images": [
            "image": "",
            "created": "2019-04-06T17:49:05.550801Z"
            "image": "",
            "created": "2019-04-06T17:45:43.458062Z"
    "bounding_box": {
        "left_x": 35,
        "left_y": 77,
        "right_x": 222,
        "right_y": 264

Successfull HTTP status code = 200

Sandbox API Endpoint


Production API Endpoint

Please contact

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Description
authorization Yes a unique api token per miiCloud customer
customer_person_id Yes a unique identifier maintained by the customer per person enrolled in the database. This identifier allows you link multiple images of an individual to their identity and link other identifiable info such as name, etc.
image_path No local or remote destination of the image accessible by your application. This image is added to the collection of image(s) already associated with the person
first_name No new first name to be associated with the person
last_name No new last name to be associated with the person
email No new email to be associated with the person
phone No new phone # to be associated with the person


Field Required Description
status Yes response by API whether it was successful or not
miicloud_person_id No miiCloud's unique identifier associated with the person whose information was updated. This field can be used to validate correct person's information was updated.
customer_person_id No the unique identifier of the Person whose information needs to be updated
first_name No new or existing first name associated with the person
last_name No new or existing last name associated with the person
email No new or existing email associated with the person
phone No new or existing phone # associated with the person
images No array of images associated with the person. For security reasons, these images cannot be downloaded from the Person's profile
image No file name
created No timestamp of when the image was enrolled by the customer
bounding_box No an object with bounding box coordinates around the face (if a new image pass passed in with the Person's face)
left_x No x-coordinate of the bounding box’s top left corner
left_ y No y-coordinate of the bounding box’s top left corner
right_x No x-coordinate of the bounding box’s bottom right corner
right_y No y-coordinate of the bounding box’s bottom right corner

Get Person

import requests

auth_token = 'Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131'
api_endpoint = '

customer_person_id = 5712f5242cf956c7c1d248e89

response = requests.get(api_endpoint + '/' + customer_person_id, headers={'Authorization': auth_token})

curl -X GET \ \
-H 'authorization: Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131'

The above request returns a JSON object structured as follows:


Successfull HTTP status code = 200

Returns all the profile information associated with the person, such as their name, email, and the images used to enroll their identinty.

Sandbox API Endpoint


Production API Endpoint

Please contact

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Description
authorization Yes a unique api token per miiCloud customer
customer_person_id Yes a unique identified maintained by the customer per person enrolled in the database


Field Required Description
status No only returns "fail" if a matching customer_person_id is not found
customer_person_id No the unique identifier maintained by the customer for the given person
miicloud_person_id No miiCloud's unique identifier associated with the person whose information is requested
images No array of images associated with the given person
image No file name
created No timestamp of when the image was enrolled by the customer
first_name No first name associated with the person
last_name No last name associated with the person
phone No phone # associated with the person
email No email associated with the person

Delete Person

import requests

auth_token = 'Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131'
api_endpoint = '

customer_person_id = 5712f5242cf956c7c1d248e89

response = requests.delete(api_endpoint + '/' + customer_person_id, headers={'Authorization': auth_token})

curl -X DELETE \ \
-H 'authorization: Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131'

The above request returns a JSON object structured as follows:


Successfull HTTP status code = 200

Deletes the person record all information associated with it.

Sandbox API Endpoint


Production API Endpoint

Please contact

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Description
authorization Yes a unique api token per miiCloud customer
customer_person_id Yes the unique identifier (maintained by the customer) of the person to be deleted


Field Required Description
status Yes "success" if a person with the given "customer_person_id" is found and deleted, otherwise "fail"
customer_person_id No the unique identifier of the person who was deleted
miicloud_person_id No miicloud's unique identifier associated with the person who was deleted

Match Faces

import requests
import os

auth_token = 'Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131'
image_path = 'input/test_images/test_001.jpg'
api_endpoint = ''

payload = {'image_path': image_path}
filename = os.path.basename(image_path)
file = {'image_path': (filename, open(image_path, 'rb'), "multipart/form-data")}

response =, headers={'Authorization': auth_token}, data = payload, files = file)

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'authorization: Token 0e653da4969a757d21de0ffa6387d5fbd6401131' \
-F image_path=@input/test_images/test_001.jpg \
-F customer_person_id=8e64b48cf88349e390498c413ad2bbad

The above request returns a JSON object structured as follows:

    "faces": [
            "match_status": "unknown",
            "bounding_box": {
                "left_x": 414,
                "left_y": -31,
                "right_x": 638,
                "right_y": 218
            "match_confidence": 0
            "match_status": "known",
            "bounding_box": {
                "left_x": 98,
                "left_y": -44,
                "right_x": 420,
                "right_y": 314
            "match_confidence": 0.6426461754214432,
            "miicloud_person_id": "e5db4da3-9d34-4a9d-b517-b203b749962c",
            "customer_person_id": "8e64b48cf88349e390498c413ad2bbad"

Successfull HTTP status code = 200

Matches the faces in a given image against the faces in the database for one or more matches.

Sandbox API Endpoint


Production API Endpoint

Please contact

Request Parameters

Parameter Required Description
authorization Yes a unique api token per miiCloud customer
image_path Yes local or remote destination of the image accessible by your application
customer_person_id No unique identifer of a person. This field should be used to conduct a 1:1 verify, meaning if you would like to compared this specific person's enrolled image(s) against the input image. If this parameter is not passed, miiCloud conducts a 1:many search and compares the faces in the input image against its database for potential matches.


Field Required Description
faces Yes returns an array if 1 or more faces is found in the image
match_status No if the face(s) in the image matche with 1 or more known person(s) in the database; values are: "known" or "unknown"
bounding_box No an object with bounding box coordinates around the face
left_x No x-coordinate of the bounding box’s top left corner
left_ y No y-coordinate of the bounding box’s top left corner
right_x No x-coordinate of the bounding box’s bottom right corner
right_y No y-coordinate of the bounding box’s bottom right corner
match_confidence No value between 0 - 1 to reflect how closely the test image matches the enrolled image. This value should be multipled by 100 to get a %.
person_id No unique identifier stored in miiCloud per person. This identifier links the identity in the customer’s system to miiCloud.
customer_person_id No a unique identified maintained by the customer per person enrolled in the database. miiCloud returns this identifier in the response to allow the customer to validate correct identities were linked

language_tabs: - shell

Sample Code


docker pull miicloud/sandbox:v0.1.2
docker run miicloud/sandbox:v0.1.2

You can access the docker container with all the relevant Python based libraries such as: opencv-python== imutils requests

Public Repo

git clone

To facilitate the testing of miiCloud’s API, we have provided sample test files and python code. It can downloaded from our public github repo.

git clone


miiCloud API uses the following error codes. Please contact if you experience any issues.

Error Code Description
400 Bad Request -- The request has 1 or more incorrect parameters. Double check the correct parameters are being passed in the request.
401 Unauthorized -- The API key is invalid.
403 Forbidden -- The requested object is only available with administrators access.
404 Not Found -- The specified API / object could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- An invalid methos was used to access the API.
406 Not Acceptable -- The request was not formatted in JSON.
415 Unsupported Media Type -- The file format of the image / video is not supported by the API.